
Car A gets 25 miles per gallon and costs $13,000. Car B is a hybrid that gets 45 miles per gallon, but costs $25,000. Assume you drive 15,000 miles per year and that gas will cost $4 per gallon for the foreseeable future. How many years will it take for Car B's better fuel economy to outweigh its higher initial cost?

Accepted Solution

The initial cost of car B is 25,000.

The cost of fuel consumed in n years by car B is 
     [tex]=n\times \frac{15000\:miles}{year}\times \frac{1\:gallon}{45\:miles}\times \frac{4\:dollars}{gallon}[/tex]

Equate the initial cost to the cost of fuel
     [tex]25000=n\times \frac{15000\:miles}{year}\times \frac{1\:gallon}{45\:miles}\times \frac{4\:dollars}{gallon}[/tex]




It will take 18.75 years for Car B's better fuel economy to outweigh its higher initial cost.